Dynamic Modelling for Supply Chain Management
20 صفحه pdf
Supply network structure is one of the important issues that affects on enterprise performance.
Real world condition leads the company to design a flexible structure to cope with dynamic
market and conditions. Dynamic conditions and uncertain variables in business are base of
disruption risks in supply network. Various strategies can be applied to risk mitigation and it is
very important to design a flexible supply network with reconfiguration ability based on applied
strategy. Proposed reconfiguration method in this paper considers environment flexibility by
changing based on several suitable strategies. It divides strategies into some main flexibility
strategies which should be considered in supply network and proposes an examination method to
evaluate reconfiguration process. It considers flexibility in delivery and transportation system to
let the company using several strategies in transportation, import custom and delivery routs.
Proposed goal model guarantees profit of reconfigurations and fuzzy set helps to be close to real
condition. A numerical example has been solved to indicate method efficiency.
1231 صفحه pdf
ویرایش پنجم
A Handbook of Community Water Supplies
American Water Works Association
Raymond D. Letterman
Chapter 1: Drinking Water Quality Standards, Regulations, and Goals
Chapter 2: Health and Aesthetic Aspects of Water Quality
Chapter 3: Guide to Selection of Water Treatment Processes
Chapter 4: Source Water Quality Management
Chapter 5: Air Stripping and Aeration
Chapter 6: Coagulation and Flocculation
Chapter 7: Sedimentation and Flotation
Chapter 8: Granular Bed and Precoat Filtration
Chapter 9: Ion Exchange and Inorganic Adsorption
Chapter 10: Chemical Precipitation
Chapter 11: Membranes
Chapter 12: Chemical Oxidation
Chapter 13: Adsorption of Organic Compounds
Chapter 14: Disinfection
Chapter 15: Water Fluoridation
Chapter 16: Water Treatment Plant Residuals Management
Chapter 17: Internal Corrosion and Deposition Control
Chapter 18: Microbiological Quality Control in Distribution Systems