Poisson's Ratio Assessment of Different Auxetic Structures
With and Without Nonlinear Geometric Effects
Nasser Taghizadieh1, Ali Jalali2
1-Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz
2- PhD Student, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz
Unlike traditional materials, when an auxetic material is stretched, it expand laterally and when it is
compressed, it tend to get thinner. These extremely unusual materials do not defy the laws of elasticity
theory. It is only in the last 12 years that any such material also known as negative Poisson ratio material
has been fabricated. In this paper different shape of auxetic structures such as anti-tetra-chiral, missing rib
structure, re-entrant structures have been evaluated numerically and analytically to investigate the Poisson
ratio of different structural shapes
Keywords: Auxetic materials, negative Poisson's ratio, ABAQUS, nonlinear geometric effects
Poisson's Ratio Assessment of Different Auxetic Structures With and Without Nonlinear Geometric Effects