رام رسمی فارسی Y360-U61 بدون مشکل مخاطبین.
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قابل فلش توسط FLASHTOOL
رام رسمی فارسی Y360-U61 بدون مشکل CONTACT
رام رسمی فارسی Y360-U61 بدون مشکل مخاطبین.
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قابل فلش توسط FLASHTOOL
Perfect Ajax Popup Contact Form یکی از محبوب ترین ماژول های تماس با ما برای جوملا می باشد.
یکی از ویژگی های جالب این افزونه امکان افزودن فیلد های دلخواه به فرم تماس می باشد که می توانید انواع فیلد ها آپلود، ایمیل، گذروازه و ... اضافه نمایید.
همچنین این ماژول دارای 11 نوع استایل زیبا می باشد.
Perfect Ajax Popup Contact Form 3.3.3 >>> پشتیبانی از جوملا 2.5 و 3
Benjamin R. Underwood, Veronica L. C. White, Tim Baker, Malcolm Law
and John C. Moore-Gillon
Background The aim of the study was to investigate the
relative effectiveness of four strategies in detecting and preventing
tuberculosis: contact tracing of smear-positive pulmonary
disease, of smear-negative pulmonary disease and
of non-pulmonary disease, and screening new entrants.
Methods An analysis of patient records and a TB database
was carried out for an NHS Trust-based tuberculosis service
in a socio-economically deprived area. Subjects were contacts
of all patients treated for TB between 1997 and 1999.
New entrants were screened in 1999. Outcomes measured
were numbers of cases of active tuberculosis detected and
numbers of those screened given chemoprophylaxis.
Results A total of 643 contacts of 227 cases of active TB were
seen, and 322 new entrants to the United Kingdom. The highest
proportion of contacts requiring full treatment or chemoprophylaxis
were contacts of smear-positive index cases (33
out of 263 contacts; 12.5 per cent). Tracing contacts of those
with smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis (12 out of 156;
7.7 per cent) and non-pulmonary disease (14 out of 277;
6.2 per cent) was significantly more effective in identifying
individuals requiring intervention (full treatment or chemoprophylaxis)
than routine screening of new entrants (10 out
of 322; 3.1 per cent).
Conclusions Screening for TB of new entrants to the United
Kingdom is part of the national programme for control and
prevention of TB, whereas tracing contacts of those with
smear-negative and non-pulmonary disease is not. This study
demonstrates that, in our population, the contact-tracing
strategy is more effective than new entrant screening. It is not
likely that the contacts have caught their disease from the
index case, but rather that in high-incidence areas such as
ours such tracing selects extended families or communities at
particularly high risk.
Keywords: tuberculosis, contact tracing, immigrants, cost
Background: In early 2001 there were indications that tuberculosis (TB) was increasingly becoming a
problem among drug addicts and homeless persons in Rotterdam, after a periodical screening was
discontinued in 1997. A contact investigation around a homeless drug addicted man in Rotterdam
with infectious pulmonary TB is described. Contact investigation: A total of 507 drug addicts, homeless
persons, and staff of facilities for these risk groups were examined with tuberculin skin testing (TST) and
chest radiography. DNA fingerprinting of mycobacteriological cultures through Restricted Fragment
Length Polymorphism methodology and molecular epidemiology investigation through cluster analysis
were performed. Outcome: TST showed an infection prevalence of 29%, especially among staff of services
for drug addicts and homeless persons. Six persons with active intrathoracic TB were identified. Cluster
analysis demonstrated no relation with the initial case but showed intense transmission of TB among
drug addicts and homeless persons in Rotterdam by multiple sources. As a consequence of the findings, a
proposal to the Council of the City of Rotterdam resulted in the re-introduction of a comprehensive TB
screening programme among these risk groups with mobile digital X-ray units (MXUs). Conclusion: This
contact investigation gradually obtained the characteristics of a screening of drug addicts and homeless
persons. Novel technologies, such as MXUs, facilitate appropriate and efficient outreach approaches to
TB control among difficult-to-reach groups. This method and knowledge of individual fingerprints and
clusters of TB patients are indispensable for underpinning proposals for change of local TB control
strategies and convincing local authorities of the rationale.
Keywords: DNA fingerprinting, policy implications, risk groups, screening, tuberculosis
این فرم ساز ویژه ساخت فرم های تماس با ما زیبا در سایت می باشد که به صورت کاملا آجاکسی و با امکانات منحصر به فرد عمل میکند.
این فرم ساز امکاناتی بیشتر از یک فرم معمولی دارد که در زیر به آن اشاره میکنیم :
Fox Contact Form 2.5.4 >>> پشتیبانی از جوملا 2.5
Fox Contact Form 3.6.0 >>> پشتیبانی از جوملا 3