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کتاب (Professional Rope Access- A Guide to Working Safely at Height (2016
نویسنده: Loui McCurley
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فهرست مطالب:
Notes on Contributors xiii
Foreword xix
Your Success xxiii
Preface xxv
How to use this book xxvii
Section 1 | Planning for Rope Access 1
Chapter 1 | What Is Rope Access? 3
1-1 Introduction 3
Why Choose Rope Access? 4
1-2 Foundation and Evolution of Rope Access 6
The Modern Rope Access System 6
Skills Required for Modern Rope Access Workers 7
1-3 Rope Access Compared/Contrasted with Other Disciplines 8
Rope Access Contrasted with Recreational Rappelling 8
Rope Access Contrasted with Controlled Descent 9
Rope Access Contrasted with Rope Descent Techniques 11
Rope Access Contrasted with Bosun’s Chairs 11
Rope Access Backup Contrasted with Other Backup Systems 14
WhereModern Rope Access Has Landed – The Bus You Take to Work 14
1-4 Compatibility and Work Safety 15
Fall Restraint 15
Fall Arrest 15
Fall Containment Systems 17
Suspended Scaffolds 17
Aerial Platforms and Man Baskets 17
1-5 Special Techniques 18
Aid Climbing 18
Lead Climbing 19
1-6 Practical Application of Rope Access 19
1-7 Summary 20
Chapter 2 | Rope Access and the Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Plan 21
2-1 Protecting Workers at Height 21
2-2 Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection 22
Policy Statement 22
Staff Responsibilities 23
Fall Hazard Survey 25
2-3 Hierarchy of Fall Protection 26
Types of Active Protection – Harness-Based Solutions 27
Choosing a System of Protection 28
2-4 Rope Access Work Plan 29
System Requirements 30
Safety in Rope Access Operations 31
Work Practices 32
2-5 Summary 34
Chapter 3 | Personnel Selection and Training 35
3-1 Introduction 35
3-2 Personnel Qualifications 35
Aptitude for Rope Access 37
3-3 Team Organization and Competencies 38
Technician Skills and Responsibilities 38
Supervisor Skills and Responsibilities 39
Program Manager Skills and Responsibilities 40
3-4 Training and Certification 40
Training Records 41
Training Outline 41
Advanced Levels of Certification 45
Rope Access Certification Bodies 46
3-5 Summary 47
Chapter 4 | Equipment for Rigging 49
4-1 Equipment for Rigging Rope Access Systems 49
4-2 How to Choose Equipment for Rigging in Life Safety Situations 50
4-3 The Difference Between Personal Equipment and Rigging Equipment 52
4-4 Rigging Equipment for Fall Arrest 52
4-5 Rigging Equipment for Cranes Versus Rigging Used in Rope Access 53
4-6 Rigging Equipment for Suspended Scaffolds 54
4-7 Rigging Equipment for Rescue 54
4-8 Rope 55
4-9 Connectors 59
4-10 Hardware 63
4-11 Mechanical Anchorage Connectors 65
4-12 Anchor Slings 67
4-13 Summary 69
Chapter 5 | Personal Equipment for Rope Access 71
5-1 Introduction 71
5-2 Essential Requirements 72
5-3 Harnesses 74
5-4 A Note About Comfort Seats (Seatboards) 76
5-5 Helmets 77
5-6 Lanyards 78
5-7 Connectors 79
5-8 Descending Devices 80
5-9 Rope Access Backup Devices 84
5-10 Ascenders 86
5-11 Gloves 88
5-12 Clothing and Personal Wear 89
5-13 OTHER PPE 89
5-14 Equipment Traceability and Recordkeeping 89
5-15 Summary 90
Section 2 | Skills for the Rope Access Technician 91
Chapter 6 | Rigging Concepts 93
6-1 Principles at Work in a System 94
Gravity 94
Friction 94
Angles 96
Vector Forces 99
6-2 Using the Principles 107
Mechanical Advantage 107
Load Ratios 111
Safety Factors 112
6-3 Summary 114
Chapter 7 | Rope Terminations and Anchorages 115
7-1 Rope and Knot Terminology 116
7-2 Rope Terminations 118
7-3 Manufactured Terminations 118
7-4 Knots 119
Stopper Knots 119
End-of-Line Knots 120
Midline Knots 124
Knots (Bends) That Join Two Ropes 125
Knot Safety 127
Hitches 128
7-5 Knots and Rope Strength 132
7-6 Anchorages 132
Classifications of Anchorages 133
Anchorage System Performance 134
Positioning the Anchorage System 135
Back-Ties 136
Direct Attachment 136
Load Sharing Anchor Systems 138
Angles in Anchor Systems 141
Change of Direction 142
7-7 Summary 143
Chapter 8 | Rope Access Systems 145
8-1 Compatibility 149
8-2 Access System 149
8-3 Backup System 151
8-4 Attachment to Technician’s Harness 152
8-5 Pull-through Systems 153
Pull-Through with Ground Anchor 153
Top Anchor Pull-Through with Knot 153
8-6 Changing the Fall Line 155
Directional Deviation 155
Rebelay (Re-anchor) Systems 156
Well-Being of the Technician 157
8-7 Summary 159
Chapter 9 | Descending 161
9-1 Introduction 161
9-2 Choosing a Descender 162
9-3 Choosing a Rope for Descent 164
9-4 Rigging for Descent 165
9-5 Getting on Rope 167
9-6 Managing the Descent 168
9-7 Tending the Backup Device 170
9-8 Passing a Knot 170
9-9 Passing a Deviation Anchor 173
9-10 Passing a Rebelay 174
9-11 Landing 177
9-12 Summary 178
Chapter 10 | Ascending 179
10-1 Selecting Ascenders 180
Handled Ascenders 180
Chest Ascender 181
10-2 The Complete Ascending System 181
Rigging the Chest Ascender 182
Rigging the Handled Ascender 184
10-3 Managing the Ascent 184
10-4 Changeovers 186
Changeover from Ascending System to Descending System 187
Using a Descender for Ascent 187
Rope-to-Rope Transfer 188
Passing a Knot in the Ropes While on Ascent 189
Negotiating an Edge or Obstruction While on Ascent 190
Passing a Deviation 191
Passing a Re-anchor (Rebelay) on Ascent 192
Transitioning Off Rope from Ascent, Onto a Platform 196
10-5 Summary 196
Chapter 11 | Advanced Techniques 197
11-1 Belays 198
11-2 Aid Climbing 201
11-3 Lead Climbing 203
11-4 Climbing with Twin Lanyards 206
11-5 Raising and Lowering Systems 207
11-6 Systems for Lowering 208
11-7 Systems for Raising 209
11-8 Cross-haul 211
11-9 Tensioned Ropes 212
11-10 Multiple Simultaneous Systems 214
11-11 Powered Assist Systems 214
11-12 Summary 215
Chapter 12 | Use of Powered Rope Access Devices 217
12-1 Precautions 217
12-2 Configuring the Device into the System 219
12-3 Configuration 1 (Sit on Top) 221
12-4 Configuration (Suspend Beneath) 223
12-5 Using the Device from a Fixed Position 224
12-6 Additional Considerations 226
12-7 Care and Maintenance 226
12-8 Summary 227
Chapter 13 | Rescue 229
13-1 Rope Access and Rescue 229
13-2 The Rescue Preplan 232
13-3 Self-Rescue 233
13-4 Coworker-Assisted Rescue 235
13-5 Noncommittal Rescue and Prerigging for Rescue 236
13-6 Co-Worker Assisted Rescue from Descent 238
13-7 Rescue from Ascent 240
13-8 Challenging Rescues 241
13-9 Standby Rescue 242
13-10 Professional Versus Coworker-Assisted Rescue 243
13-11 Conclusion 244
Section 3 | Program Administration 245
Chapter 14 | Developing a Rope Access Plan 247
14-1 Working Safely at Heights 248
Harness-Based Works 248
Fall Arrest 250
Work Positioning 250
Rope Access 251
14-2 Necessary Elements of a Rope Access Program 251
Rescue 251
One Rope or Two? 252
Avoid the Fall 253
Team Works 253
Team Documentation 254
14-3 Work in a System 254
Supervisor 255
SuitableManagement 255
Summary 256
Chapter 15 | Developing a Policy Statement 257
15-1 Questions to Consider 257
15-2 Putting it all Together 262
15-3 Congratulations! 263
Chapter 16 | Writing a Work Order 265
Summary 268
Chapter 17 | Establishing a Work Plan 269
17-1 Summary 273
Chapter 18 | Performing a Job Hazard Analysis 275
18-1 The Process 275
18-2 Content 276
18-3 Using the JHA 278
18-4 Summary 279
Chapter 19 | Fall Hazard Survey/Assessment 281
19-1 Conducting the Survey 281
19-2 Survey Contents 283
19-3 Using the Survey 283
19-4 Fall Hazard Mitigation 284
19-5 Summary 284
Chapter 20 | Creating a Rescue Preplan 287
20-1 Emergency Response Planning 287
20-2 Fall Rescue Planning 289
20-3 Coordination with External Resources 293
20-4 Summary 293
Chapter 21 | Training Records 295
21-1 Certification Records 295
21-2 Technician Records 296
21-3 Employer Records 297
21-4 Program Administrator Training 298
Chapter 22 | Equipment Inspection and Care 301
22-1 Specifying Equipment 301
22-2 Placing Equipment into Service 302
22-3 Equipment Inspection 302
22-4 Cleaning 303
22-5 Retirement 304
Chapter 23 | Rope Access Program Audit 307
23-1 Components of an Audit 307
23-2 Management 308
23-3 Practices 309
23-4 Equipment Management 311
23-5 Recordkeeping 312
23-6 Summary 312
Knowledge Check 313
Glossary 339
Index 343